Hey Buddy, Like My T-Shirt?

I love shopping especially for children’s clothing.  Whether it is for my three-year old or gifts for friends’ children, I am just addicted.  Recently, I found just the cutest selection of children’s clothing at HuddyBuddy.com.  Their clothing are made from top-quality 100% cotton so we can be certain that our children are getting the best material possible.  Huddy Buddy’s line of casual wear features t-shirts and cool onesies for newborns, infants, toddlers and kids.  These apparels are not only unique and stylish, they have some of the cutest slogans on them.

I was lucky to get a long sleeve pink t-shirtfor my daughter and it has the words “Potty Trained” on it.  My daughter has successfully stay dry throughout the day recently and this is certainly a huge achievement.  This lovely t-shirt is just perfect for her to mark this important milestone.  I am sure she will be getting a lot of comments when she wears it 😀  What I like about this t-shirt is that it is soft and is just the right fit for my daughter.   There is also a cute white huddybuddy.com label at the back of the shirt, right at the bottom.






Huddy Buddy also has a wonderful line of sibling teesand for twins too.  I also like those cute and witty messages on the onesies like the one below.






HuddyBuddy.com is a wonderful site that offers many stylish selections that you and your children will love.  Their cool and funky clothing will make great gifts for birthdays, showers, big brother or big sister gifts and little brother or little sister gifts.  Huddy Buddy donates a portion of every sale to the Huddy Buddy Fund at the Hospital For Sick Children.