mustache nails

The cute mustache design is everywhere now.  From hangers to t-shirts, you just cannot miss it.  I just came across the cute mustache decal for nails at NailsDecalMarket in Etsy.  They are just too cute.  It comes in a set of 20 and look great on natural, white or light colored nails.  Just in time for me to do something unique for Chinese New Year.



Cute Stencils On Your Coffee

I always love looking at the cute designs in my cup of latte.  I have always been fascinated with how the barista make them.  Sometimes it is a few swirl designs and at times I get an owl or a heart shape.  If you are like to add some fun into your own latte or mocha, well you may want to check out Cosmic Emotions at and get a stencil.  Have fun sprinkling cinnamon on top of your coffee.

A Girls’ Night Out

This weekend I have been invited to a birthday bash of one of my close friends. She will be turning 40 and we plan to have a nice Italian dinner downtown with a few other friends. Right after dinner, we will be hitting the karaoke for some singing and maybe dancing too. I know it is going to be a fun and crazy night. We all love to sing, especially songs in the Eighties, when we were teens. Nothing beats singing with a wonderful vocopro uhf-5805 microphone and dance the night away with your buddies.  I cannot wait to wear my lace print sheer shift dress from Dorothy Perkins.

Filigree Headboard

Saw this cute Filigree Headboard at Urban Outfitters today.  Made of heavy-duty sculpted metal, this headboard adds a vintage charm to the room.  So if you are thinking of adding a bit of decor to your bedroom, why not get this Filigree Headboard?  It is very easy to hang on the wall.    Now I am trying to decide if I should get it for the single bed in my guest room.


MacKenzie Childs Flower Market Wine Cooler

I just found something that is great for wine lovers out there. If you like hosting parties at home, you may also like this lovely Flower Market Wine Cooler from Neiman Marcus. Made from enamel steel and features an antique brass handle, this wine cooler will definitely be the topic of conversation at the dinner table.   It make a very nice housewarming gift too.


Packing Tape With A Twist

While the spouse was busy checking out the Delafield petroleum drop hose specification, I was doing some online shopping for my craft.   I stumbled upon this, an online store which offers a wide range of printed adhesive tapes which gives the illusion that your boxes are sealed with leather straps, bolts and hinges.    I find this pretty neat and I think I am going to get some.  You all know how much I love tapes eh?


Sweet Mini Wet Wipes

I always carry a packet of handy wipes with me when I am out and about.  They are one of the things that I never leave home without.  Having them with me have saved me a number of times.   The wipes are so useful especially for cleaning up quick spills and dirty hands before meal time.  I just came across some really cute ones at These 10 mini wet wipes come in adorable polka dot packaging in cool mint scented Ice Cream style or Strawberry Cupcake.


Bike ChalkTrail Kit

I just came across something really fun for the kids – drawing the sidewalk while cycling. I know my kid would enjoy doing these 2 things together.   All you need is a set of wheels and the Chalktrail Kit from  Just set up the kit by snapping the adjustable chalk holder onto the bike’s back wheel.   This kit consists of chunky non-toxic, washable chalk pieces.  This Chalktrail Kit will bring hours of fun and laughter.   Time to get the creative juice flowing.

Decorations For Wedding

So, my friend and I were out the other day looking for compression stocking as well as some items to decorate her coming wedding function.   The colour theme for the wedding is white and fuchsia.  We are so happy that we managed to find some lovely items for decoration and also as wedding favours.   Want to know what we like?

Organza favour bags

Honeycomb paper flower

Fuchsia Paper Fan


A Great Weekend With Friends

How was your weekend peeps? It was great one for me. I got to spend some time with good friends on Saturday. My friend hosted a bbq at his home and besides enjoying the good food, we all had the chance to watch my friend playing on his epiphone joe pass emperor ii electric guitar.  He plays with his band mates at a local bar on weekends just for fun.  Oh, my friend also has this nifty looking TomBox amplifier which was made using discarded loudspeakers.  Ain’t it cool?